Medical Ministry Update

Refugee Hope Partners is so thankful for the ways the medical ministry has been a blessing to the families we serve. Mrs. Rebecca continually goes above and beyond for Cedar Point families. Her favorite thing about serving in this way “is the opportunity to share the love of Christ with a person who has a difficult life... The results are so tangible, and the refugees are so grateful.” She has built a team of amazing volunteers. She has approximately 15 active volunteers that help with weekly appointments, special clinics, and health camps. There are typically anywhere between 3 and 8 doctor/dental appointments in a week. Some of those may be for whole families. 

We have several clinics throughout the year including sports physical clinics, flu shot clinics, and rising kindergarten health clinics. These clinics bless the families of Cedar Point by giving them easy access to what they need. We have also been able to host a dental bus that served many of the adults in our community. Without these services, many of the issues they face would not be addressed.

When asked to share a favorite moment, Mrs. Rebecca shared this story:

As I got to know a family, the mom told me that about once a month she had drainage from her ear.  She explained that a year ago she had paid $400 to see a physician and was treated. It didn't get better but she could not afford to go back.  So she had to just live with it. I arranged for her to see a Dr. at Neighbor Health for $35, assisted her in applying to Project Access so that she could see a specialist for free, and went with her to see the ENT.  Her hearing is improving and we hope in time that her ruptured eardrum will heal or she will be able to get the necessary surgery with the assistance of Project Access.

We are so thankful for the medical team that serves the people of Cedar Point so well! If you would like to get involved in the medical ministry, you can contact

Amanda Herbert